Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #62 - Books I'd Give To Readers Who Have Never Read Retellings

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely people at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is -

Top Ten Books I'd Give To Readers Who Have Never Read...

I chose retellings this week because a lot of people tend to assume that there seem to be only fairy tale retellings. That's not true, there are lots of others! this a mix of both fairy tale and not, there's Alice, Dorothy, Tinkerbell and more.

Kill Me Softly

For Darkness Shows the Stars

Daughter of the Forest

Dorothy Must Die

Bitter Greens

Florence & Giles

The Looking Glass Wars

Tiger Lily

Wildwood Dancing



  1. I loved Dorothy Must Die! And I have Kill Me Softly on a TBR shelf, I need to read it! Especially since I just got the sequel on Netgalley.

  2. My chosen topic was Historical Fiction, though a retelling did end up making it to the list. I love these choices, retellings are my favourite genre!

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

  3. I'm a retelling sucker and these are some of the ones I haven't gotten to yet. Have you read The Lunar Chronicles or Entwined I adored those!

  4. *flaps hands* WILDWOOD DANCING!!!!!


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